
If i open a new political party, will you extend your support to me?

by  |  earlier

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like many people i am deeply cocern over growing curruption,faveritism and capitalism. i belongs to a small agriculture family and an ex soldier.i have plans to gather all true and sincere people in to our proposed political party filtering currupted people.i request coments/sugessins of our answer community.




  1. Sounds illegal.  You should start a new religion instead.  It pays a lot better.

  2. I can't say yet that I support your party specifically

    but I support you in doing it

    there is no question the dems and republicans have failed, and they can no longer 'fix' themselves

    so sooner or later its going to be up to us

  3. Lets try concentrating on the #1 issues at hand first. That is the collapse of the lending and realestate industries... And I mean collapse. And as a second, fighting radical islam. I put that at second, because if the first problem isn't addressed, we will not have the funds to fight terrorism.

    And capitalism is a concern? what do you propose to replace it with???

  4. It wouldn't help as long as you don't educate people.

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