
If i ordered something off the internet tonight?

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with normal delivery, will i get it on monday? if its after xmas what day do you think? just wonderinggg <3




  1. most place say if ordered by midnight the 21 it will get there on time.(overnight delivery)

  2. You will NOT get it by Monday. Last week Monday 12/17 was the last day the post office could guaranty mailed items by Christmas. Sorry....

    Print a picture of whatever you ordered and wrap it up with a promise to deliver it as soon as it arrives. if the person is an adult they should understand.

  3. Noo you would have had to order it on the 17th

  4. nope you would need to express mail it overnight to be assured you would receive it Monday.

  5. overnight it its SO worth it!

  6. Normal delivery - you will NOT get it by Christmas - you&#039;ll have to pay out of your *** for speedy delivery - normal delivery will probably get there by Friday - since the post office is closed Tuesday for Christmas

  7. you never know when you will get it... unless it listed when.

  8. NO you wouldn&#039;t....don&#039;t you know the Post office is backed up and so is Fed Ex and wouldn&#039;t  even get it if you sent it for overnight mailing. But good luck trying.

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