
If i plan to move out and rent a room, would the electricity, water, and utilities be included in the rent pay

by Guest31625  |  earlier

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what if i rent a house, would the electricity, water, utilities be separated from the rent pay?




  1. the  best way to do it is charge a flat rate by dividing all of the bills by the number of residence in the home. that's how i always did it. back in my college days.

  2. That's entirely up to you.

    You can get one which has some or all of those included as part of the rent, or has all of them separate from the rent. Also, there are some places which will come furnished, too. So it depends on what you are looking for.

  3. deipends on ur landlord. when looking ask if any bills are included

  4. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't.  It just depends on the landlord.

    I rented a home and all the utilities I had to pay myself along with the rent.

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