
If i purchase rated R tickets online, will i still be able to go into the theater?

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i really want to watch harold and kumar 2 badly but im 16 ..

and i heard theres a movie theater in manhattan that allows underage kids to watch rated R movies




  1. All depends on how strict the theatre is and who is working. Usually the are especially on the look-out on nights big rated-R movies like that come out, so you might be better off waiting until like Tuesday night or something, when they don't really care. You could also try the time-honored trick of buying tickets for the movie in the next theatre over and "accidentally" wandering into Harold and Kumar.

    Also, on-line tickets generally non-refundable so you might just want to try your luck buying them at the theatre.

  2. i guess you could just go to any theatre and if they ask you how old you are say 17, or just be mature so you look like your 17

  3. I have been in a couple of these situations before, and it matters who is running the box office window at the time

    There was one time where a friend of mine went with me to see a rated R movie, my friend had his ID and I forgot mine, so he got his ticket fine and I went up to buy mine, I said I forgot my ID and the box office attendant said that I could not get in without ID, so I took about a step away and he said "hey, what's your birthdate?"  I said my birthdate, and I said it a little fast (not hard to understand fast, but "it's in my brain, easy to remember" fast), and he let me through because he "believed me since I said it fast"

    At the same theatre, my friend forgot his ID, and I remembered mine that day, so I bought my ticket, let him go up, and he went to try to get his ticket, it was a different person in the box office and wouldn't let him in at all, at that point, he called his mother as "proof of age", he gave the phone to the attendant, and his mother and the attendant talked for a bit, his mother tried the best she could, but the attendent said, since there was no proof of ID, he couldn't go through, so I had to return my ticket and

    If you bought your ticket online, there should be a kiosk where you should be able to insert the card you used to purchase the tickets, and even if you are underage, you should be able to get your tickets, the "ticket ripper" can't deny entry if you have a ticket

  4. Well, dress your best and try and look as old as possible.

  5. all depends on how the strict the theater is but most of the time they don't even pay attention and wont even ask for id just give it a try.

  6. Go to any theater and buy a ticket for any other movie you can get into starting around the same time.  After your in, simply walk into the show of your choice.  Every once in a while I see them checking tickets at the specific entrances but generally once you are past the ticket taker, you hit the concession stand, pay $25.00 for popcorn and drinks and then you can go anywhere you like after that.  But remember, you didn't hear this from me.

  7. No, you need to sneak in the back.

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