
If i put a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on my car do you think it will get keyed?

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I am putting this in politics because everyone has such fanatical views.




  1. Only worry about "out of touch radical liberals", who scream, over talk and personally attack people who do not agree with their incorrect, ridiculously ignorant policy choices. Liberals may scratch your car or break you window, because they are unable to discuss or argue their issue positions on merit so they use fascist tactics to keep other opinions on the table.

    Hope, Change, Dream is all they have, peal away the onion and their ideas are ridiculous, have been tried and failed or are actually hateful aimed at enhancing the interest of one group or cause at the expense of another

  2. You should be ok depending on where you live. Don't drive through south Chicago with it anytime soon though.  

  3. Just stay clear of Chicago. I am fixing to find out as soon as I can find them. for all our cars. and will be handing them out at the shopping centers.{ Free ] I will do my part to get them elected.  

  4. No Democrats tend to respect other peoples opinions unlike our Republican counter parts.  

  5. Yes.

    In the interest of Free Speech, only bumper stickers approved by the Vanguard of the Proletariat are allowed.

  6. It's a free country, do as you wish. But be ready for the consequences. My question to you is why do you support them? Do you really feel the last 8 years have been great for America with Republicans in control? Do you want another 4 to put the icing on the cake? As if 8 wasn't enough. Do you feel things are going great for us as a country right now and the economy is flourishing? Maybe you aren't aware but here are the issues that have came about in the last 8 years since Bush has been in office... We are fighting a war that is unjustified, thousands of our men and women are being killed over in Iraq for no solid reason, countries that we had a good rapport with now have no love for us, there are millions of people loosing jobs everyday, many peoples homes are being foreclosed, American jobs are being outsourced overseas, unemployment is at an all time high, and the country is in a terrible economic slowdown and getting worse by the day and you want to put another Bush in office? WOW. Even if none of this effects your livelihood (you must be a billionaire) it will effects you eventually in some way, shape form or fashion if things continue to get worse. So tell me... What is your justification for wanting another 4 years of this same regime?  

  7. Yea but you could just key all the other cars with opposite bumper stickers.  

  8. depends upon if you are in Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia or North Carolina

  9. Absolutely.  You may also be called a racist since you obviously didn't accept Barack Obama as your Lord and Personal Savior on Thursday night.

  10. No, not worth it.

    I could see it happening to my Obama sign in my front yard though.  

  11. Who would waste their key on that bumper sticker?

  12. Well...that probably depends on where you live.  And I sure hope not.  It is my firm hope that we humans can act nobly towards those with whom we disagree.  

  13. Depends where you live! If you are here in Los Angeles, definitely!

  14. It really depends on where you live. If it's highly liberal, I wouldn't take that chance. I bought a bunch of McCain Palin bumper stickers at I plan on putting them on my car. But then again, I live in a very conservative highly republican county. If anything, I would get honks and thumb ups. So again, it really matters where you live.

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