
If i put a condom over my computer will it protect it from viruses?

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If i put a condom over my computer will it protect it from viruses?




  1. You're computer won't get any virus from human beings or any other living things. It only gets software virus. A condom won't protect it from any of these virus. However, if you want to be yourself healthy and be protected of viruses, you can try to protect your computer some other way from some other people. You can put a plastic bag on your keyboard when other people use your computer, and wash your hands before you use your computer, since a recent English study demonstrated that your computer keyboard is as dirty, if not more, than your toilet. I said a plastic bag since I don't thing you'd get that size of condoms, plastic bags work if size matters, I use them... well , not for my computer. Ha ha ha!

  2. It may not, but could keep your USB dongles from coming loose.  

  3. Very funny!


  5. sorry, a condom will only keep you from having baby computers not protect it from virus. So, no.

  6. LOL that's funny. No, it won't

  7. I should.

  8. Is your computer sexually active?

  9. Dude, awesome question.  And yes.

  10. haha! ud hav 2 get a BIG condom.

  11. Yes if its big enough.

  12. Obv!

  13. Your question really sells to youth

  14. are you serious

  15. I don't know.

    You should try.

    and post pictures.

  16. lol...uh yes i might think ur so funny!!! your  playing right??????????????????????????????????

  17. HAHAHAHAHAH I hope so. I've had one on mine for a few weeks and it's contracted nothing!

    LOL thank you for bringing a laugh to my day. :)

  18. Ahahah!! Yerrrr silllllyyyy!!!!

  19. Only some. Some viruses take a more stronger method. A disc drive.  

  20. wuts a condom?....jkjk....

  21. hahaha yesh!

  22. Of course.

  23. only if you've been cybering :)

    dirty boyy

  24. Yes, IF your computer is really


    HOT computer:

    NOT computer:

  25. Lmfao. Funniest thing I heard today.

  26. can you get that one that big? hefty hefty hefty wimpy wimpy wimpy  

  27. No. it might break. you do not want another pregger cd


  28. sadly, no. But tell me where you got a condom that big!

  29. Yeah...but it doesn't protect it 100% from pregnancy...are you ready for little microchips.

  30. Thanks for the laugh!

  31. You are going to need a really big condom...let me give you one of mine.

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