
If i put just a little bit of anti-acne (tretinoin+hydroquinone) lotion in a syringe then...?

by  |  earlier

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stick in my left arm vein, what's the worst that could happen?




  1. It may block your vein at entry site! cut off circulation and affect the limb. This may travel from the site of entry into venacava & into heart & clog up the triscupid valve and thus block & induce heart failure... It is basically a thicker constituent than the blood you are injecting it into & as such is a danger as it will also not reduce in size as it is cream constituent so its really not a good idea...

    Second most stupid thing I've come across when a med student researched mercury poisoning & a boxer injected himself with mercury as it is otherwise known as quick silver - didn't make him box any quicker just killed him! have a nice day...

  2. With this question already been asked, I'm surprised that this is your first time ever doing such endeavour.  

  3. u wood sufer a long and painfel deth

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