
If i put my hamster in my closet would he die?

by  |  earlier

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hes making a lot of noices and is the only place where i can put him




  1. A closet is definitely not the place to put a hamster. He might suffocate due to the low air quality and nil air circulation.

    Btw, why would you want to put your hamster in the closet? Does he not have a cage of his own? If your hamster is making noises, it means he is probably scared of something at your home or is not yet used to you. Make an effort to get used to him and he would definitely quieten down and be a great friend.

    The only place for a hamster to be is in his own cage in an well ventilated area. Please do not think of putting your hamster anywhere else which could cause his life to be in grave danger.

    Added -

    Can you put him in the bathroom and close the door? As I said, closet is not the right place since he would get suffocated. I had the same problem of my hamster making a lot of noise on exercise wheel. I went to the pet shop and bought a new wheel which does not cause noise. You can also try greasing the wheel with a little bit of oil (make sure it is non toxic to hamsters since they might l**k it) to prevent the noise.

    This is a good quality noiseless wheel that can be attached to the hamster cage -

  2. why cant you put him in your room, hamsters run at night so if your room is far enough i doubt your parents will hear the wheel turning, if it is, USE some cooking oil or olive oil to make things alot smoother, alos that works for fleas or mites, i tried it on my hamster, and after they clean themselves of it they have beautiful shiny silky fur. :D luck to ya.

  3. if he dose that as much as you say give him to someone who wants him don't just leave a hampster to die or any animal to that fact that is called animal abuse how would you like  if someone put you in a closet to die think about that

  4. i had to put my hamster downstairs as he used to keep me up all night running in his wheel. dont put him in your closet.

  5. No, but he'd be dead to me. i don't stand for that f*g in the closet anti-jesus s h i t! take him to a church asap!!!!!!!!

  6. It depends on the closet. It would need to have decent ventilation. Master bedroom walk-in closets that are bigger than some bedrooms with an a/c duct in them would be no problem. The closets found in 50's ranch houses that only fit clothes, wouldn't be the best idea.

    Why not fix the wheel noise issue? "Silent Spinner" (brand name) wheels are really quiet. You can also try adding a couple of drops of vegetable oil on the axle of the current wheel.

  7. He might die in a closet with little air in it unless it's a huge closet like the size of a small bedroom.I would put him & his cage on the kitchen floor or any place away from where u & ur parents sleep. Just be sure he will have a lot of air.

  8. not if you leave him some air. but i suggest you put him in the living room. it's a better place than the closet.

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