
If i reside in the uk and i move to amsterdam do i have to apply for a permit to work?

by  |  earlier

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and if i want to stay there how long b4 i have to get a permit if it is needed?




  1. No.Plus in Holland you have the same benefit rights as you do here.

  2. You don't need a permit, it's all part of the EU. Stay there as long as you like, and work forever.

  3. I am not clear exactly what you mean by "reside" in the UK

    If you do not have an EU/EEA passport it does not matter if you currently legally reside in the UK, you will still need to apply for a visa to live and work in the Netherlands

    If you hold a British passport (if this is what you mean) or of course EU/EEA passport then under EU law you are free to move to the Netherlands tomorrow and seek work

    You will need to obtain a BSN number (successor of the SOFI number which some people may mention) in order to pay into the tax system and be registered.  This is obtained from the local Gemeentehuis (town hall) from where you live.  

    There is a lot of mis-info about a permit to work.  Under EU law you do not need a permit to work as a Brit.  However, you should register with the IND (Dutch Immigration & Naturalisation Dept) (after first registering with the local Gemeentehuis) if you are staying longer than 3 months.  The registration is free and you will get a sticker in your passport.  It is not "required"  but if you do not register can not however mean that you can get social assistance (e.g. if you become unemployed and want to claim benefits), scholarships or make any loan applications etc

    You can read the below brochure published by the IND (english below the dutch section) for more details

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