
If i run on level 5 on a treadmill for 15 minutes how fast am i going approx?

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If i run on level 5 on a treadmill for 15 minutes how fast am i going approx?




  1. Take the distance you've run and divide by the time you ran.  That will tell you your average speed.

  2. You need to look at the user manual to figure out what level 5 means for the treadmill you ran on. Also, it doesn't matter how long you run, level 5 is level 5 - meaning the same speed.

  3. level 5 is usually 5mph if the treadmill is marketed in the states or another non-metric nation.  If it's sold in a metric country, it would be 5kph.

    If it's an American treadmill  you can change it to a metric setting, but level 5 will still be 5mph,  it will read out the conversion which is about 8kph in the speed window

  4. Thats not possible to calculate with the data you have given. Unless all treadmills work on the same level speed incremental scale.

    Usually calculated with speed = distance/ time.

    And anywho... if you were trying to work out how fast you were running you would still need to find out how fast level 5 was, as that was your question. If you were running for 15 minutes at a constant rate then it will be the same speed wouldnt it, regardless of time. Do you mean to ask how far you have ran?

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