
If i said to you that you must die before you realy love ,what would you say to me ?

by  |  earlier

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I am talking ego death -rebirth= losing ones pride, intentionally or unintentionally ,baptism of fire ..BORN AGAIN




  1. I'd say the question is foolish.

  2. "Sure I'll drink the punch...after you!"

  3. You first.

  4. I'd say,  "Well, okay, but you have to buy me dinner first!"  

  5. "You are completely insane, and desperately need major professional mental health care now."

    The dead can no more love than a rock can. Duh.  

  6. I would look you in the eye, smile gently, and confiscate your stash. With love.

  7. I would like say "You're a freakin' psyco and how the h**l do u know??"  

  8. I wouldn't say anything. I'd just call the cops.

  9. "Get away from me or I'm calling the cops."

  10. I think I agree. Because it is only in our final moments that we realize what is really important to us and what we love most.  

  11. PSYCHO. And no thats not a compliment

  12. Show me you love me.

  13. I would ask why

  14. I'd probably ask you when you changed your name to God and mixed up a bunch of scriptures.

  15. There is no  greater love  than to die for  one's friends!

  16. Something like, "That's dumb."

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