
If i see a police on the street, and ask for a ride, do you think they'll give me one?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Vegas and i wondered, like if it's a hot day, would a police give you ride if you ask for one.




  1. Only if it is an emergency like you need to get to a hospital but they will not take you to the grocery store or anything. Our taxes do not go towards a private taxi service. Thats what mass trans is for.

  2. I doubt it - that isn't their job. There are ways to get them to give you a ride to jail, though.

  3. No i tried that in maryland and it didn't work. The officer told me he was a cab operator.

  4. NO.  They would be swamped with free rider.  But if you persist they can give you a ride to the station.  And if your house is close to the station then you can walk home from there.

    Once they finish booking you.

    Good Luck.

    P.S.     TAXI   !!!

  5. Only in an emergency situation, like if you need to get to the ER.

  6. NO cuz polices won't waste their gas on people

  7. The Police - Not your neighborhood taxi service.

  8. I'm betting you got "rides" from them before. Nice shiny bracelets too.

  9. Nope.

  10. The police like other drivers have no obligation to give you a lift, but they may give you a "in kind" lift if you have had a traffic accident, or they may give you a complimentary lift to the nearest police station if you are drunk or disordely, or if you have committed any other statutory offense.

  11. Absolutely NOT!  Since when did the Police become a taxi service?  What are they going to do with you if an emergency call comes through?

  12. Maybe if you throw a rock at their police cruiser?

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