
If i sell a console to Gamestop, do i get cash or stupid credit?

by  |  earlier

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i might sell my gameboy sp, but i want money, not credit. so if i sell it to gamestop, do i get cash or credit?




  1. if you plan on buying more from GameStop, PLEASE GET CREDIT!  if you plan on using the money somewhere else, you will only get 80% (NOT 60%) of the full trade-in value

  2. Sux to be u.. im sellin my zune there and i want cash as bad as h**l...guess the 40% goes to waste?

  3. you'll get about 60% in cash of what you would get in credit

    for example: $50 credit= $30 cash

  4. You would get $20 in credit. So like the guy said, you get 40% less of what you would supposed to get. $12 cash? I wouldnt do it.

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