
If i smoked 2 saturdays ago?

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and my system has been clean for 3 months willmost likely pass my drug test??

dnt write the B.S answers save it we all make mistakes so stfu!

but if u have useful info plz list itt




  1. It will be in your system if you smoked it, even if you were clean before. Drink vinegar. Lots of vinegar. It takes it out of your system.  

  2. I am a CCMA

    If you smoked 2 weeks ago no you will NOT pass because THC the chemical in MJ will last in your system for up to 90 days depending on potency and how often you smoked.. If you do not smoke anymore and you are not around anyone who smokes you will pass a test in 30 days

  3. no you will not pass. the chemicals can stay in your system more than 30 days. drink cranberry juice and lots of water.

  4. who cares if your system was clean for 3 months?? What about BS questions??? No you won't pass.

  5. thc will be in your system for 90 days but you will only get caught with that if you take a hair or blood test. if its a simple p**s test then the thc would not be detected 3 days-2weeks after at most

  6. you should pass rather easily. but to be safe spend the next day drinking nothing but cranberry juice and water. this works really well. I don't smoke but my friends and many have passed their tests by simply doing what i said..many even smoked the DAY BEFORE the test and passed using this method.

    its your risk

  7. depends on which test they use on you . best thing to do is drink lots and lots of water before the test and urinating as much as you can before the test. try to drink a least a quart of water every 30 mins starting 3hrs before the not p**s in the cup at first p**s in the toilet, then into the cup then finish up in the toilet.remember the more water you drink the more this will dilute your urine.good luck  remember your job is more important than that buzz

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