
If i stand up to someone bigger than me when they are picking on me and then they ask me to fight outside?

by  |  earlier

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am i a coward if i say no as i know he would easily win




  1. You don't need to give him the satisfaction; him winning (like you said he would), would only prove to himself that he CAN pick on you. Show him that you're not going to stoop down to his level and keep out of his way. If you pay no attention to him, then eventually he'll move on to his next victim.

    Good job for standing up for yourself, and I'm sorry you're unfortunate enough to have to deal with people like this.


    P.S. There's always the option of calling some big, tough cousin who just got out of jail, to help you out.

  2. You'll always have advantages, bullies are also generally cowards or there weak.

    If your still unsure go for cheap shots, nuts, throat, gut. Places that take very little strength to cause pain.

    Also if your more violent you can always aim at knees or elbows when there arms or legs are straight, as they are very simple to break.

    Yeah, I'm a little sick, i can teach you how to torture as well. :D

  3. haha well no your not a coward. in the end dealing with bullys you cant fight them and lose it simply makes it worse, however anyone can be beaten. but im not here to teach you how to fight (unless u live in perth, then i can). theres better way to deal with these people though, laughing along with them confuses them and leaves them with nothing to do, laughing at them silently helps as they are true fools, earning there respect or fear is the best but hardest (if u can humialte them :D). well any way want tips on doing this feel free to email me. good luck.

  4. Yes, a tuf call. I would say it depends on the reason of the fight. If he is just bullying you, no. It'd be smart to not go only to get your teeth knocked out. He's a big wus for pickin' on someone he knows he can take. & you could say so.

    Maybe challenge him to something you're good at - like a duel. He wouldn't expect that.

  5. That is a no brainer.  If your pride is more important than your front teeth... then take him on... otherwise... WHO CARES if someone thinks you are a coward?  WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?.. Saying no and walking away is a lot smarter and thousands of dollars cheaper than getting your mouth put back together in Surgery.

  6. What's at stake? You fight, and your body gets hurt, and you get physical pain. You don't fight, and your pride gets hurt, and an ego may possibly become hurt. What's the sensible, mature thing to deal with? You know, for your own sake.  

  7. The percieved weak are preyed upon. This bully is getting his jollys.

    Just say let's do it right here instead of the classis "Let's go outside" John wayne bull c**p. Then either get busy or just wait to see what happens. You may startle the guy and he will let it go OR you will get you head knocked off or you make your owm destiny. It's ok to be afraid, but don't be afraid of fear. Use it to get you psyched..

    You may suffer a little pain, but the blow to your psyche will be immense.

    A coward dies 1,000 deaths. A brave man dies but once.

  8. Don't think about others, you do what you want to do.

  9. well if hes big as in fat, you can use your speed against him. if he grabs you then struggle like a ***** and use your speed to hit him before he can hit you. BUT if he is like buff then jsut leave it dude.

  10. It's a tough call, and it depends. If you just stood up for yourself and being mature about everything, and however the fight went, you were just cool and not saying bad things back, then I would say no, your just being smart about it. Why fight and get sent to the hospital? You stood up to him, you have a backbone, there's nothing else you have to prove.  

  11. no you are not a coward. if anything i think that the other guy is a jerk for picking on those smaller than him. who the fudge does he think he is?? stand up to that jerk and let him know that you are not interested  in having a fight cause your time is better spent on things that are of worth and tell him to get a life!! um, sorry, but it totally pisses me off when people pick on others like that. stand up for yourself!! and if you wanna know the truth, great fighters truly do get afraid they just don;t show it. but that doesn't make them a coward. show him that he can't and you won't let him get to you like that. and btw, if you were my friend, and he was picking on you like that, you better believe that i would be there jumping in and defending you, no doubt about that!! Hope all goes well with you, take courage!

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