
If i start chucking things out my office door into the hallway do you think anyone will notice?

by  |  earlier

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I work with about 15 people.




  1. I'd say, offhand, that depends on whatever else is going on in and around your office, what these "things" you mention are, the basic layout of the hallway in question, the observancy quotient of your supervisors and co-workers and who is going to be expected to pick them up afterwards.

  2. If it's anything like my office, they will walk over it with a look of reproach on their face.  I would absolutely do it though!  Maybe then they will at least open their eyes!

  3. absolutely, esp. the janitor

  4. Wait a minute....

  5. Not unless you put on your tinfoil hat and go about thinking your invisible and have the gift of "second" sight...LOL!

    However...after the day I'm having, I may JOIN you!

  6. If I did that no one would notice cause I am alone so only you can answer that question cause we don't know anything about your office

  7. Yeah, but it will prove to make your day as well as others that get to watch a more interesting day, I say go for it!

  8. this bound to get someone's (jason) attention

    so have fun and hope your boss is not

    in a bad mood

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