
If i start going to the gym how much will i lose?

by  |  earlier

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I start school on the 3rd of September and i was thinking that on the 4th September i will go to the gym to go on the tredmil for about 30 minutes, if i go to the gym 3 times a week and only eat about 1000 calories a day how much will i lose in 2 weeks? I'm 15 by the way x




  1. it depends on how ur body reacts to exercise and eating right. because the same person can do the exact same thing as u and lose more or less.  

  2. find it out for yourself -- im soo tired of everyone coming on here and asking questions that can easily be found out by going to any calorie calculator-- oh and btw honey if you only eat 1000 calories you will go into starvation mode and your body will hold onto as much fat as possible

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