
If i stay for 5 years in any country for any reason(study...) can i become a resident of that country?

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what s the rule for that?




  1. You are temporary resident of any country where u spend 185 days of a year out of 365.

    To become permanent resident you must be living in that country on work (or settlement) visa & paying TAXES for 5 years. Students don't do that so they never get permanent residence.

    Only in UK, if u live as student for 10 years & have paid TAXES during ur summer vacation work then u can apply for PR (ILR) but usually there is no guarantee that it will be granted. (mostly they decline those applications).

  2. it depends on the cuntry you have to ask them

  3. Stay in your own country.

  4. That would depend entirely on the laws of the country in which you are a temporary resident.  Most countries have entirely different laws than we do.

  5. even if you stay in some other country for 20 years why should that country offer you citizen ship of their country. if u can answer that your question will be answered by itself

  6. It depends on which country.  Every country has their own laws on what you have to do to qualify for resicency.  For example, in Canada, you do not gain the right to apply for permanent residency if you were to live there on a student visa forever.  However, if you did a 2 yr. college program there and worked for one year on a post grad work permit, you would have the right to apply.

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