
If i stop taking my prozac....?

by Guest67025  |  earlier

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im almost 16 and ive been taking prozac for about half a year

i want to stop taking it cause it makes me sick, and i dont see my doctor for another month,

once i stopped taking it and i had huge headaches and felt sick, my mom thought

i was going through withdrawl

its summer, and i wanna go out and party and alcohol mixed with prozac isnt good, i hear

i dont think im depressed.. so i want to stop taking it.

can i?




  1. my daughter is going through coming off prozac right now, she has been on it for 5 years. We are seeing a lot of symptoms of withdrawals, headaches & mood swings mostly. you should taper off not just stop taking it

    You should definately talk to your dr about it first and do some research so you know what to expect,  I wish you the best of luck it will not be easy

  2. well if you feel you absolutely must then you have to wein your body off of it and what i mean by that is dont go cold turkey start taking smaller and smaller dose's and gradually get down to none e.g if you take it 3 times a day try going 2 for a week than 1 than none and if thats too fast try slowing it down like decreasing every 2 weeks. everyones body is unique and weins differently. however it is my belief that the medicine was prescribed y a professional and you might not be wise to get off of it the main reason y you dont feel depressed is cuz of the meds going out and partying isnt a real good motive for stopping medication.  just my advice

  3. Whatever you do, ignore that urge to stop! The reason you don't feel depressed is because you're on the drug and it's working, whether you believe that or not. If you stop abruptly, you'll go into something that feels like internal chaos. Speak to your doctor tomorrow and he or she will tell you to start tapering off and by how much each day. Consider a replacement drug and be very, very honest with your doctor. Tell him or her that you want to do those things so they know what you're considering mixing into your system. But why are you on this medication and only seeing your doctor so infrequently? You should be in far more regular therapy. Once a week is the bare minimum to even be remotely effective.

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