
If i study english literature?

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i love literature and am thinking of studying it in Uni but i dont want to end up being a teacher coz i hate kids. so, what are my other choices, if any?




  1. Don't throw teaching out the window just yet.  If you love discussing literature, you might love teaching it.  What age kids do you hate?  I teach juniors, and that is fine with me.  I hate kids, too.  Well, not my own, of course.  Or, if you don't want the headache of kids that don't want to be there, try teaching at a university.  Smaller schools have great opportunities to have class sizes that allow free discussion.  Also, since it will be YOUR classroom, you can make it any way you want it.  

    Most people I know with English lit. as a degree either have become teachers, or they work at gas stations.  I suppose some publishing industry position would work, but they are rare and hard to come by.

    Good luck!

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