
If i take a trip in order to apply for a different job can I write that off on my taxes?

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I will be taking quite a few trips from Michigan to Colorado out of my pocket in the next few months and it's going to add up to quite a bit of money.




  1. To add to glindata's answer, you can't deduct the expenses if you are looking for a job in a new occupation or looking for a job for the first time, or if there was a substantial break between the ending of your last job and your looking for a new one.

  2. You can deduct job hunting expenses on Sched A of the 1040, which means that you must itemize your deductions (mortg interest, property tax, charity, etc.).  However, the job hunting expenses must exceed 2% of your income before you get any deduction, i.e., if you make 50K, you will get no deduction on the first 1K of job expenses.

    There are other items that can be deducted in this 2% category, including tax prep and employee business expenses. As always, consult with a tax professional for specific answers.  CPAGreg

  3. Yes, everything that has to do with job searches can be deducted. If you move your moving expenses and house hunting expenses can also be deducted.

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