
If i take apples from my neighbours it stealing?

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The tree to prune is my responsibility.

The apples fall in my into my garden.




  1. Technically no it is not stealing because they have not made sure that it won't fall into your yard. And its not like they claimed them to be theirs so they are rightfully yours.  

  2. if the apples fall alone from the tree into your garden then no but if you pick them from the tree without asking your neighbors permission then yes it is stealing.

  3. If they fall into your yard, they become yours.

  4. if the apples are your side there yours

  5. if they are on his side of the fence and you remove them, its stealing, however if they fall your side, then not.  

  6. Oh dear,every single answer is wrong.Logically they are right,but legally they are wrong.

    If a branch overhangs into your garden,you are allowed to cut it to the fence line,without asking permission.You are legally allowed to throw it in to their garden if you wish.However,you are not allowed to "profit" from the branch overhang ie take fruit or flowers for yourself.The law states that the legal owner is where the tree grows.Why,l hear you ask.Well it's an old law,and in the days when it was created,people were much poorer,and fruit growing in garden much more vital for food than it is now.The law protected the food from being taken by anyone other than the grower.If the law didn't exist,than people could reach out and grab next doors fruit and the grower would lose their precious food.The law is outdated,but no-one has altered it

  7. f you picked apples from your neighbours tree it would be stealing. If you pick them up when they fall on your property then they are yours to keep.

  8. If you take responsibility, and the apples fall in your garden, it isn't really stealing. If you picked them, it may be stealing but all you are doing is removing the apples before they fall so it should be ok. Our apple tree leans over next door, and she picks them. We don't mind, but maybe some people would? It doesn't matter they taste c**p anyway ;D.

  9. yes , ofcourse

  10. If the apple tree in question hangs over you borderline then you can trim it back to you border line, but must return the apples and branches etc to you neighbour. If the apple fall on to your land, then they become yours. It is illegal to pick the apples.

  11. Why does it take 10 people to answer one question? and everyone says the SAME thing.

  12. Any apples that fall into your garden are yours.  Any branches that extend over your property line you are free to cut off.  The rules governing this vary from municipality to municipality.  Check to be sure.

    If you go onto your neighbors land, and take apples from their tree, that's stealing.

  13. If they fall into your garden. There legally yours. Same as if the tree grows into your garden.. Your alloud to cut down what hangs over.

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