
If i take elementary education in college can i teach high school?

by Guest65310  |  earlier

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im a senior this year and i would like to know if a graduate in elementary teaching could get me a job as a art teacher in high school?




  1. It definately depends on your certification.  Mine is only a K-9 certification in Illinois.  Check with your local ROE for proper certifications.  Sorry hope this helps!

  2. every state is different. go to, go to the chatboards and post this question in your state's chatboard.  

  3. As long as you can obtain a license for the grade level/subject in which you wish to teach.  

  4. Most likely not.  Most states will require you to at least have certification in secondary education, even if you were not an art major.  The college courses are so incredibly different between elementary and secondary education that it would be hard to convince them that you are qualified for the position.  I suggest going back and taking a few more classes in art.  If you get an art degree that would help a great deal. Also, look into graduate classes or career switcher programs.  

  5. In New York,  and probably most states, you need to have majored in art and minored in secondary ed.  to be certified.  That doesn't mean that a private school or less desirable district may not hire you if they were in desperate need.  

  6. If you're willing to sub, most schools will overlook your deficiency.  But it would be difficult to do so on a permanent basis, due to credential requirements.  

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