
If i take in 500 calories a day then..?

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i'm 5 feet 3 and i weigh 132lbs. if i take in 500 calories a day, then how long will it take to lose 30lbs?




  1. Hard to say.

    First your body will think you're starving to death, and so it will adjust so you don't burn much and slow your weight loss WAY down. Then you'll start breaking down your own muscles for energy.

    I think if you actually lose 30 lbs eating like that, the question will be how fast will it take you to put on the original 30 plus more?

    I will tell you this: if you're 5'3" and weigh 132, if you exercise 30min-1hour (moderate is best for fat loss - don't go too hard) six days per week, and keep your calories around 1200-1500 you'll look noticeably better -- people will tell you so -- in about two weeks. It might take you two months to get where you want to be, it might take three months, but when you get there you'll look fit and healthy, and and not like a cancer victim. You'll also add grace and self-confidence, which guys find completely addictive.

    If you're in school, think of "getting fit" as your fall term course. If you eat less and exercise regularly, you'll get an "A" by Christmas break AND your body will be completely able to deal with nice big Christmas dinner.

  2. You shouldn't consume less than 1500 calories per day, that is very dangerous. Plus once you lose the weight, your metabolism will have already slowed down and when you start eating more again you will gain all the weight back, and very quickly.

    What I did to lose weight was lessened my portions. Also, when I am eating, as soon as I don't feel that sense of being hungry anymore, I stop eating. Your brain takes 20 minutes to catch up with your stomach, so by the time you realize you are full, you are actually stuffed, and will realize it about 20 minutes later. So lessen your portions and stop eating once you don't feel that hunger feeling in your stomach and you should lose weight. Also eat more veggies, less carbs, but still have carbs. For dinner I will have a big helping of vegetables, a little bit of mashed potatoes and a small portion of chicken or steak or something. I went from 118 to 102 in like 2 or 3 weeks. and the smaller you are the harder it is usually to lose weight. Hope this helps!!

    Just make sure you do it the healthy way or you'll regret it later!!

  3. uhm about 2 months usually

  4. YOU WONT!!  That is too little of calories to intake. go with a 1500 cal diet 6 small meals a day. and exercise and you will loose it fast Trust me

  5. I know you would want to get down to about 100 to 102 pounds, but doing it your way is not healthy and you may end up dying before you lose all that weight. ( I am not talking about anorexia).

    Losing too much weight is bad for your heart.  You need to go to a health professional who specializes in weight loss and have them design a program that is healthy for you.  To answer your question, it could take 1 or 2 months to lose the 30 pounds, but that is only if you survive this dangerous practice that you are proposing. The health professional will tell you the obvious that 132 is a little bit heavy for you.  They used to say that the ideal weight is 115 pounds for your height.  Computed as 100 pounds for 5 feet and 5 pounds for every inch over 5 feet.  I know that you want to reach the low 100 pound level but, once again you are going to have to follow the health professional and get it done right.

  6. it will be very hard for you to take in only 500 calories a day, and also very unhealthy, where you may binge eat, because of such a want and need for food, thus gaining back all your lost weight, and more. I reccomend that you just start small, and try to eat healthier, and also get some easy exercise- maybe jog for 10-20 minutes a day, and if that is too difficult, start small and work your way up.

    -using this, you can lose the weight in no time, and be happy with a slim, muscled body.

  7. thats really stupid don't starve do the old fashioned way eating sensibly and exercising.  

  8. 500 calories a day is not enough!!  Eat properly, drink water and exercise moderately.  Don't starve yourself, you will do a lot more harm than good.  

    Why would you even want to lose 30 pounds?  That is way too excessive for your height and weight.  I think that with your height and weight, you are fine, you don't need to lose weight!!

  9. Wish I was 132 lbs but I would be dead from starvation.

  10. You'd be dead!

  11. you are starving yourself. Calories are not the problem, it is fat intake. Your body stores fat, not calories.

  12. That caloric intake is not healthy.  Your body will go into starvation mode and start storing fat and metabolizing muscle at that level.  

    Depending on your age and activity level, you probably need to take in 1500-2000 calories per day to maintain your weight.  What you need to do is cut out about 250 calories a day and then exercise to burn an additional 250 calories.  That will get you to losing 1 pound per week.  If you lose 30 pounds fast through starvation, it will come right back when you hit your target weight and start eating again.

  13. You may actually gain weight because you will be starving your body and it will keep everything you take in.

    Check out to find out how many calories your body needs, set a date to lose the weight by, and how much, and it will help you figure out what is best for you.

    It's a free site, and it teaches you the best way to lose weight ... give your body what it needs and it won't keep the rest.

    In addition, at 5'3" and 132 you are at 23.4 on the Body Mass Index.  A healthy range is 104 - 140 so I would not recommend losing a full 30 pounds.  

  14. You need more than 500 calories a day, even if you are dieting.  Go to and they can determine how many calories a day you need to lose weight.  If you don't eat enough you'll just put your body into starvation mode and it will hang on to every bit of fat it can.  Eat just the right amount and it will up your metabolism and you'll be able to lose weight.  You have to convince your bod that you are always going to have enough, get it?  Plus, stop focusing on pounds.  If you just eat the right way and exercise the weight will start falling off.  

  15. Why would you want to lose 30 pounds? Then you would weigh 102 and that sounds ugly. 132 sounds pretty.

  16. Probably not too long.  But eventually you'll cave in because THAT'S NOT ENOUGH CALORIES!  You'll be starving your body, feel hungry all the time and when you do lose the 30lbs and go back to regular calorie consumption, the weight will come back, probably even more than the 30lbs you lost and you'll be depressed again.

    Make a lifestyle choice to eat healthy.  Stop eating junk food and eat better.  It's that simple.  Do that the rest of your life and you'll life longer, feel better and have more energy.

  17. You'd be in the hospital before you did it.

  18. According to BMI(Body Mass Index) ur weight is normal for ur height...

    Underweight = <18.5

    Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

    Overweight = 25-29.9

    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

    U will probably be way to thin (not anoreix but close) U will be underweight if u become 102 pounds.

    About 3,500 calories adds up to about 1 pound.

    3500 x 30lbs = 105000 calories

    So it'll take u 210 days.

    I suggest u lose 2-5 pounds even though ur normal weight to be on the safe side. That will take u 35 days. :) Good luck and dont lose too much!




  19. Depends.  A pound of fat is 3500 calories, and your daily intake should probably be something like 1500-2000, so with a deficit of around 1000-1500 (assuming you don't exercise), you'll lose a pound every day or two.  However, your life will quickly grow'll start feeling very hungry (which will probably make you angrier at yourself that your body insists on food), you'll get dizzy (from low blood sugar), and you'll have no energy...not just to exercise, but in general.  About five years ago, I created a diet for myself of three hardboiled eggs (whites only) for breakfast, a cup of chicken caesar salad for lunch, and no dinner.  After two days, walking a short distance home from work took more effort and when I got home, I'd immediately lay down.  

    There's a really good site that can educate you a bit on nutrition, weight loss, and exercise...don't worry, they won't try and sell you anything.  It's guy's research.  Even if you still just want to get superskinny, it may provide you with info.

    One last thing...can you live the rest of your life on 500 calories a day?  Even assuming you can manage to lose the weight, as soon as you start eating more again, you'll gain the weight back, and probably more.  Your metabolism will be super-slow and you'll probably have lost muscle, which burns a lot of calories.  

  20. You are going to be starving yourself if you do that.    That's a really stupid idea!

  21. you will lose weight very quickly.  i would not advice to only take in 500 cals a day.  you will get weak and feel very tired because your body will not have enough fuel (food) to with stand an entire day. your body will be nearly in starvation mode. you could easily lose 30 in 4 weeks.  

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