
If i tell a person to strike me and he does but i end up beating him up...?

by  |  earlier

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can i still be arrested




  1. yes

  2. how come this question is stupid? figure it out yourself. picture yourself standing over a passed out guy with blood all over his face and blood all over your fist. who will the police arrest? and who will they believe?

  3. Yes.

    Fighting in a public place or disorderly behaviour if not assault or Grievous Bodily Harm.

    Or take Tolle..'s advice but organise a lawyer and pack your toothbrush first.

  4. Okay so you are saying that you asked someone to hit you, and they carried out your wish, and when they did, you got pissed off and beat them up?  Well if you gave that person the okay to hit you, and they did, then you would probably be the one who would get in trouble becuase you can't beat up someone for something that you told them they could do.

  5. holy lord...

    yes you can dont be retarded and try to get somone in trouble

  6. Yes, it is called assault.  You are an idiot and should be in jail.

  7. if it is proven that you told the person to hit you and you reacted by beating them up, if they press charges you will be arrested.

  8. Crazy harsh chicks tonight.

    Of course bets are 50% you're a dude.

  9. yes u both can get charged for assault...also it can also be promoted to aggrevated assault if u harm him very bad like broken nose

  10. not if it's self defence. but if you ask them to hit you for the purpose of beating them up, that could look a little suss... why would you want someone to hit you anyway??

  11. they have to hit u twice before its considered self defense. after the second hit u can kick theyre *** and ur fine. pushing also counts as a hit cuz its still assault, same with spitting. have fun heh

  12. If police are called you would most likely both be arrested and questioned later. If both people are involved, both get in trouble. Why would you want to hit someone anyway? Or have them hit you? By the way, I don't condone or recommend fighting in any way. At the very least it's probably not worth ending up in jail or the hospital!

  13. Yes, but you probably wouldn't be charged if witnesses saw the person strike you first. Unless, you kept beating the person after you had the upper hand. Then you have gone from self-defense to assault.

  14. i wouldnt say "arrested." i'd say sued, because he did it unknowingly your intentions if you had any.

  15. what?!?!?!

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