
If i tell u ITALIA, you tink...?

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do you really tink that italy=mafia? i m italian girl and i m courious to know what u tink about us.





  1. Am from Argentina, and this country is full of italians sons and grandsons. So when you say "Italia" I imagine a country like this, but richer, more developed, and with more history (thousands of years). I imagine a lot of white statues, people yelling and a huge distance among the rich people and poor people.

    I imagine amazing cars going over cobled streets. And amazing stuff to buy, because my grandma once went to Italy, and brought me very interesting stuff.

  2. Italy, pasta, dark haired beauties, lots of people on mopeds driving erratically just like the people in cars and red wine.

    Passionate people that try to hide their generous hearts.

    Oh did I fail to mention the architectual ruins.  Y'all should rebuild the coliseum.  The aqueduct fed water fountain is awesome.  Seems there's something ancient around every corner in Rome.   Then there's the cheap yet exquisite gold in Vicenza and old world charm down at the tip of the boot.

  3. no, but if you can make lasagna, i have two good looking grandsons that i would like to introduce you to.

  4. Had the pleasure of visiting Italy a few years ago. It is a beautiful, warm country. Granted our trip was a  vacation and not a business trip, which might have clouded the experience.   Our trip was one of the most enlightening, educational and calming experiences we have had. Lovely. We have hundreds of images and memories and all of them were bella--Italia...Thats one opinion, but I'm sure I'm not alone. Ciao.

  5. Irish here and have been to Italy several times. No I don't think mafia when I hear the word Italia.

  6. No we don't think all Itallians are mafia. However if you move to New York or Chicago the chances people will think so increases. This is simply the history of those two cities.

  7. When i think of Italy, I smell flowers and nice salt air.I love the place, only wish I could afford to live there.

    My husband was a refugee in Italy back in 1971.Many people were refugees at that time from     communist countries. He lived there for one year and said the people were so nice to everyone and didn't bother the refugees or make fun of them ect.They are very generous people.

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