
If i think i am getting pink eye. should i wear sunglasses to block out the light that bacteria might feed on?

by  |  earlier

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cuase u know how fungi and bacteria are basically like plants, they get their food from the sun? do u think i should wear sunglasses to get rid of that light?




  1. Bacteria are not like plants (except only one kind called cyanobacteria). Bacteria get their nutrients from blood glucose and other resources. Also sunglasses will not get rid of all light. It only polarizes the light and that allows you to see without the bright light. You can wear a patch to remove all lght, but in any case light feeding these organisms is false. You can ride it out, if it is a simple infection and your bodies immune system can fight it off. Or you can go to the doctor to get an antibiotic for the bacteria or anti-fungal for the fungus.

    Note: I am not a doctor and this is not medical adivce, it is only common sense. I would just go to the doctor and get a medication.

    good luck.

  2. There are 4 different  types of pink eye, bacterial, allergic, viral, and Giant papillary conjunctivitis (had to look that one up)

    forget about the glasses washing your hands will be one of  the best thing to do.

    here's the link to my source to read up on it

  3. My first suggestion is to see a doctor. Antibiotics are the best way to deal with bacterial pinkeye. If it is viral pinkeye, you can only wait it out.

    Bacteria and fungi are NOT like plants in the way you are suggesting. Plants use photosynthesis to generate some of the chemicals they need to survive. Most bacteria and fungi do not use photosynthesis and do not need light to survive. I am unsure of the effect wearing sunglasses would have in your case since light does affect the growth of some, but to be sure it would be of negligible benefit at best.

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