
If i told you i was a 22 year old black guy from a violent neighborhood what would you think of me?

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would you automatically have an assumption about my intelligence level?

where i've been?

where im going?

what i do in order to put food in my stomach and cloths on my back?

be honest




  1. I keep a razor with me. Can't trust no one these days.

  2. Ima be totally honest with you.

    You are smart enough to test the minds of people on this site which helps me assume youre intelligent.

    Im from the hood and not EVERYONE was dumb.

    Youve probably seen stuff you shouldnt have seeIn but you probably rose above that and went and got an education.

    I was crazy about this guy that lived in a "bad" neighborhood but he was quiet, 21, smart, and nice.


    I could be totally wrong.

  3. that you are like what you mentioned... just being honest... maybe im sterotyping or whatever, but that is what ive think of at first... but then since youre concerned of your intelligence level, maybe your way better (or are you thinking of being one) than those in your neighborhood...

  4. I wouldn't have assumptions. Just because you grew up in a violent area, or are a certain race, doesn't mean you'd fit a stereotype or anything.  

  5. i would think that you were a 22 year old black guy from a violent neighborhood

  6. There are many people who live in violent neighborhoods like you. The color of your skin, education level, and what you do with your time should not be a reflection of where you can afford to live.

    It's what you do with your live that should matter.  

  7. I would not know what to think other than wonder why you told me this.  I would be wary if this was the only thing you told me about yourself, because that would be a strange introduction and would also suggest you thought this was the most important about you that I should know.

  8. I would say, "oh great, he probably is going to hate me". I came from the suburbs, so I would assume that you would automatically judge me. lol. yeah, ironic how that works.

  9. I've met a lot of Black guys that came from your situation here in college, so I honestly can't say that I'd make any assumptions about your intelligence, future, etc.

  10. that you was a 22 year old black guy from a violent neighborhood  

  11. I would think that you are lucky to be alive.  It wouldn't go beyond that.

  12. well after i get to know you for a month or two then i'd judge you..but thats just me... if u act and dress stupid well then i would say your stupid..but most of the time thats not the case..i know a few boyz that dress big tee, saggin jeans, nd act crazy but they are really nice and i just think ur a regular man.

  13. well i would think maybe you are a good person cause you have lived in a life that wasn't perfect and you maybe a nice person from what you have already told me cause you had to learn alot in short time.  i am sure you have a job and are heading to college from what i can see i bet.

  14. OMOGOSH I cannot believe how many political correct B.S answers you are getting.

    I'm not going to lie to you.

    If you told me that you were a 22 year old black guy from a violent neighborhood I would actually be a bit scared of you.

    Yes, I would doubt your intelligence spelled "clothes" as "cloths" so I have a right to do so.

    sorry but this is my visual image of a guy like you.

    I would picture a young guy who wears really saggy cheap jeans, a wife beater or a huge shirt that looks like a dress, a guy that talks "lyke dis..u know wut i mea?"

    a guy who looks dirty and trashy, a guy whose muscular/bulky/or fat .... trust me "putting food in your stomach" should be the last of your worries... half the "ghetto" people I see are not just fat but down right obese... but perhaps the biggest thing would be... I would be really scared of you because I'd automatically think that you are rude, loud, and obnoxious. OMGOSH this is NOT racist because I too i'm black but I think its soo stupid how like all these people just completely lied to you and B.Sed you.

    oh and one more thing I would assume that you would be like one of those southern baptist.. hallelujah Christians... OMGOSH ewww, I just think that a ton of black people are extremely religious (they are still in the shackles of the slave mentality)

    Thank GOD i'm an Atheist (hahhahaah)

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