
If i took 16 unisoms in the past 2 days 9 the first day and 7the next and i take 10 tonight will i o.d.?

by  |  earlier

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well i read on that if you take enough that you can have hallucinations i already stopped smoking cigarettes and i just quit smoking weed so i can get a job so im feeling kind of out of sorts life isnt going to good right now so i need a release......sound desperate but hey your not in my shoes basically i wanted to know if the other ones are out of my system yet so i can take more.....without im not trying to kill myself!!! lol




  1. first, you have already taken way too many...however unisom is a non-habit forming sleep aid. It's also time realese so what you are doing isn't really going to help you all that much. Also, if you keep taking them at this rate, although the drug is supposedly non addictive, your body will get used to it and no longer respond to it, thereby forcing you to take a different sleep aid.

    My suggestion is to try taking the suggested amount on the back of the box after having relaxed or whatever. If your sleep problem persisits, you should look into seeing a doctor, because while it probably won't kill you it's definatly NOT good for you.

  2. why do you need to take so many?my aunt just took 20 last night actually trying to kill herself. please dont try that. you dont need so many

  3. It probably has a limit on the back of how many to take in a 24 hour period. You probably won't die but you'll get pretty sick.  

  4. You sound bored. Pick up a book or something.  

  5. Why in the world are you taking so many in the first place? That cannot be good for your body and if you evern questioning if you will OD then you have to know you are taking too many!!!  

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