
If i upgrade my xbox 360 harddrive from 20 GB to 250 GB (replacing it) will i be banned from xbl for modding?

by  |  earlier

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don't answer if you don't know what you're talking about. thanks :)

yes, i know how to copy the 20 GB harddrive's data onto the 250 GB's, don't worry about that step. Just answer what i'm asking if you really know.




  1. No son. People mod their things on XBL all the time. Like modded controllers, for example. Just don't tell anyone you mod anything or they can file a complaint.

  2. Find a specific site on the following link that can help you to mod your xbox, you need to burn them into DVD Disks to play them!

    You need your XBox 360 to be modified with a mod-chip before you play burned games or movies and music etc.

    Of course it can play any game of your own, and any movie as you wish after you get your XBox 360 mod-chip installed!

    It's a very mature technical now so it won't have problem if you get your XBox 360 modified.

    Also you can download any PAL or NTSC XBox 360 game as you wish online now.

    About the downloading and backup and copy games service: There are serveral sites providing such download services. They are very excellent on the contents, not only Complete big XBox 360 games like Metroid, LOR, American Idols and Guitar Heroes etc. But also many movies, XBox 360 tv shows, music and videos much more!!!

    All you need is to join one of those sites to download so many resources. So you can download all those media as you wish!

    And some sites can provide simple software help you to burn the ISO Games into DVDs, it is very easy and fast. After the instructions by them, you can go ahead to play those games you burned onto your XBox 360.

    Maybe a good review site to those download sites might help you very much on judging which is one is the best for you:

    Good luck and have fun with your XBox 360!

  3. I work for MS on the 360 division. There's a big chance you will be caught for modding now that very  the 360 goes through updates. The servers are being updated with more security. I recommend you don't do such thing or there's a big chance you will get banned.

  4. I have to ask what do you need 250 gigs for? i would contact microsoft and ask just to be safe, but as far as i know changing the hard drive would not get you kicked from xbox live only cheating and modding the game so you get an advantage online will get you kicked  

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