
If i use a condom are there ne std's i can get that are hidden???

by  |  earlier

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i'm talking throough mouth to mouth or from her mouth to my genital, and would i be able to detect em r no




  1. You can get completely free condoms from this website.

    Try this site, they offer completely free condoms.

  2. If a person who suffers coldsores on the mouth (herpes simplex virus type 1 - HSV1) engages in unprotected oral s*x with a partner then they are putting the partner at risk of contracting genital herpes. Although the STD genital herpes normal form is known as Type 2 (herpes simplex virus type 2 - HSV2) indeed it is possible to contract type 1 from the mouth onto the genitals via oral s*x.

    It is less common than contracting the type 2 genital strain of the virus, from genital to genital during penetrative sexual intercourse, however it is also possible to contract type 1 on the genital area.

    Never engage in oral s*x with a person with a coldsore on the mouth.

    However saying this, there is also a small risk that the virus can be transmitted during oral s*x even without the visible presence of a coldsore. This is because the way in which the herpes virus works. In its usual state it lays dormant in the body, and transcends to the nerves when a person is feeling run down, or stressed and the immune system becomes weakened, then they will suffer an outbreak, i.e a person with type 1 (oral herpes) they will get a coldsore on their mouth, and type 2 a person with genital herpes will get an outbreak of sores on the genital area. However there is a small risk of passing the virus on even when there are no sores present, this is during a process known as 'viral shedding' when the virus transcends to the nerves and awakens from its normal dormant state. The risk is much smaller than when a person has a visible coldsore, as this is when they are most contagious, as viral shedding only occurs several days per year.

    Condoms will protect you and are 98% proven effective.

    However one final point, with STDs such as genital herpes, and genital warts there is still a small risk of contracting the disease even with the use of a condom, with an infected partner as they can experience the sores or warts on genital areas that the condom does not cover, i.e the outer labia, the r****m, the s*****m etc..

    Although with a condom you have high protection, as I stated above the risk is a much lower risk.

    Be also aware that condoms can split, although again this is a very low risk. Condoms are proven to be 98% effective.

    Play it safe.

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