
If i use bottemless trap hole, on Caius, or any other monarch, do thier effects still apply?

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Also, if bottemless is targeted by Caius, can i chain it to destroy him?




  1. Yes, their effect would still activate. The only cards that make a monarch's summon unsuccessful is when it is negated by a counter trap, like pulling the rug, solemn judgment, or forced back

  2. monarchs such as zarborg say if this is succesfully tribute summoned, bottomless, or trap hole would make the summon unsucesful.

    whereas caius does not say this, so would still get the effect.

    if trap hole or bottomless trap hole was targetted, it could be chained to destroy the monarch ^^

    try pulling the rug, it negates all monarch's effects and destroys them, a good side deck card against monarch decks.

  3. Wrong RoHaM.

    If this card is chained to the effect of one of the Monarchs, the Monarch is removed from play, and then its effect resolves normally. A Monarch does not have to remain on the field for its effect to resolve.

    In other words, the Monarch is removed from play, but its effect still activates.

    And by the way, they took "successfully" off all the Monarchs (although nothing has changed about its effect)

  4. Yes, since their being summoned first any trap card such as the trap holes will not negate their effects

    If you use it right wa you can destroy Caius

  5. Yeah, the effect still applies. The effect may still apply, but that person also gets their monarch removed from play. Its kind of a win-lose situation. The only cards that can stop the monarchs effects are those cards with the counter symbol near the attribute, because coincidentally, those are the cards that have the effect(Pulling the Rug, Divine Wrath, Solemn Judgment, Forced Black, etc..). They were made to counter, bottomless trap hole wasn't.

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