
If i use lead casing,i can take all my DVD's with me without a problem?

by  |  earlier

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i want to rake 118 DVD's to hamburg and everytime i failed. can ssomebody help me...




  1. If you are from the US there will be two problems:


    The different region code (US + Canada = "1"; Europe = "2") and so the DVDs doesn't work.


    The different TV system. Your DVDs are encoded in the NTSC format. In Europe the PAL system is used and so some of the TV maybe getting problems displaying it correctly.

  2. um, are you trying to sell them illegally?  anywhoo, if they're american, they're not going to work over there.  There are different regions...and unless you take your dvd player with you, you've no chance to watch different regions over there...  good luck.

  3. Well I took 50 with me and never had a problem.  I just placed them in a CD holder and packed it.  I also had a portable DVD player, which I carried on.  European DVDs are a different region than american, so you cannot play your US DVDs on european machines.

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