
If i visit France what you think can i fall in love with the boys their?

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my father says i not sending you to france the boys out their so much -----------------------you know they get you some how




  1. Well the thing is, men are men; in general as a population they have similar thinking patterns.  I have a thing for English and Scottish guys...  If you're interested in French guys and want to meet some then go for it!  It's likely they'll be similar to the guys in your culture regardless.

  2. I'm french and glad to help.

    The main difference between french boys and american boys is that the french are much more willing to engage with girls and far less timid. If you are not very ugly, you will be getting opportunities. There is no such thing as a lonely pretty girl in France. There are always boys around.

    The other difference is that they are much less likely to be obese.

    In every other aspects they are the same with the same ration of jerks and nice guys.

  3. French guys are quite different fm eg americans,english... Very sweet, romantic and great lovers,lol! If they are really in love they treat their sweetheart like a princess.

  4. yesss, i confirm french are big lovers, romantics, sensitive.... It's the same thing for me if I go to usa (i'm french), i will fall in love with american girls because they are crazy, they dare make things that french girls won't do.

    in fact if u like our way to live, our culture, our way to behave, our accent , if you meet a typical french as i described before, and if it's what u like in boys, then yes...

    if u want to visit france, i can give u advice, where to go, what to visit ...

  5. Sorry I have a gilrfriend. But i would have been very pleased to meet you. We could have a cup of coffe and share our living experience. I'm always curious too encounter other people, with a preference for American girl i must say.

    Good luck to you, have a nice travel in our country.

  6. Boys are like that everywhere difference is it's all in the accent, lol.

  7. lol The french boys are the same jerks as the the boys in other countries. Don't trust what you here.

  8. French men will love you as nobody else, but they'll break your heart the same way...

  9. lol! Yes probably!!

  10. There is no stupid "s*x war" like in the US.

    Boys and girls are not fearing the other s*x. Love is not a thing you can rule. You have to obey it.

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