
If i want to build bigger muscles is it better to focus on one muscle group a day?ex. chest mon. tricep tues.?

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If i want to build bigger muscles is it better to focus on one muscle group a day?ex. chest mon. tricep tues.?




  1. Well, Do You Want For The Whole Body Or Just The Arms.

    This Is My Schedhule For Arms:

    Biceps - Monday

    Rest - Tuesday

    Triceps - Wednesday

    Rest - Thursday

    Shoulders(Deltoid) - Friday

    Sat & Sun - Rest

    Whole Body:

    Monday - Biceps/Triceps

    Tuesday - Rest

    Wednesday - Chest/Back

    Thursday - Rest

    Friday - Deltoid/Legs

    Sat & Sun - Rest

  2. If you want to build bigger muscles, you have to increase the weight and limit your repetitions. Also engage opposing muscle groups and incorporate super-sets along with burnouts.

  3. i wouldnt go so far as to do one each day.  what i used to do is upper body and core one day and then lower body the next day.  if you want to get bigger muscles you have to focus on the "pump", which is like flexing the muscle when it is fully contracted.  you also have start using larger weights and doing less reps with more sets.  like do bicep curls at close to your max but do 3-5 for each arm in 5 sets.  you also need to take whey protein immediately after you work out, everytime.  and also take one day off a week to rest and recover so the next week you can go in and push even more weight

  4. Here are simple tips that work.

    Eat more than six quality meals a day. (1/3 protein, 1/3 carbs, 1/3 other)

    Take protein shakes (3 a day) consider Creatine

    Eat lots of Good Fat to boost testosterone levels

    Eat 160g protein a day

    Drink plenty of water, (take a bottle to your workouts)

    Start of with 3 full body workouts a week (Mon Wed and Fri). Using compound exercises first then isolation at the end, 2 sets per exercise. 7-12 rep range. (EACH TIME YOU HIT THE GYM TRY TO DO A FEW MORE REPS OR INCREASE THE WEIGHT)

    After a month switch to split training, Do a different body part every day. do 3 sets per exercise. 7-12 rep range. Compound first, then isolation. Like above, each time you hit that muscle again (week later) try to squeeze out more reps or increase the weight.

    Follow these tips and you will gain alot of mass!

    Just EAT.. EAT ..AND EAT.

    Your workout should be no longer than 60 minutes!

    Before a workout I advise you to take 3g of Creatine (30 mins before) and take a drink of Milo 2 minutes or so before workout.

    (this will give you the energy you need, slow burning)


    But, AFTER a workout, take high GI carbs like pasta, potato, chocolate, to replenish your energy stores and help protein/creatine absorption.

    example of workout structure

    1. bench press

    2. Dead Lifts

    3. Squats

    4. Barbell Curls

    5. Shoulder Press

    6. Barbell Shrug

    7. Dumbbell Curl

    8. Dumbbell Wrist Curl

    9. Any ab exercise

    Good Luck!

  5. focus on compound exercises and major muscle groups like the back and legs.  they are the 2 biggest muscle groups and contribute to the majority of the total body weight.  so use compound exercise for the majority of your exercises then supplement those with isolation exercises.  compound movements utilize muscles across 2 joints and allow for the use of heavy training loads.  isolation exercises only utilize muscles across one joint and are not so easily increases.  constantly overloading the muscle is how you increase strength and size with proper diet and caloric intake.

  6. well i certainly think that if u want to develop your muscles then working one or two muscles a workout is best..... focusing more on heavier weight lower  reps, more power compound exercises, like squats, deadlifts, benchpress, chinups, pull ups...

    do it like this.. mon chest

    tue arms

    wed sholders

    thur back

    fri legs

    to me thats what would make the most sense

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