
If i want to bulk up will doing cardio burn off muscle mass

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i am 14 years old and ply hockey...i do cardio 5 times a week and i wanna increase my speed and other functions in hockey...but i am also building muscle mass...if i'm doing cardio 5 times a week(ex. sprints, running through pylons etc.) will i lose my muscle mass??




  1. If you keep up with a high protein low carb diet you should do fine. The protein builds and repairs muscle mass and the low carb intake keeps the fat off.

  2. cardio = tone

    bulk = build

    you might not gain much, unless you increase your intake.  the "goods" you ingest will go towards replenishing what you lost, and not necessarily become 'building blocks' of muscle.

    maintain the cardio, but dont over-exert yourself.

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