
If i want to buy a life ins policy on my uncle, does he have to know??

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If i want to buy a life ins policy on my uncle, does he have to know??




  1. Yes.  He has to sign the application.  He has to release his medical records.  He has to give blood, saliva, and likely a urine sample.  And he has to show positive identification to the paramedical examiner, taking the samples.

  2. He has to sign it. If some else signs it then you are in serious do do.

  3. He doesn't necessarily have to know, but there will be more companies and therefore more competitive products available if he does.

  4. Yes he does.  An insurance physical exam and release of medical records will also be required.

  5. Again, Agent gave a perfect answer.  This person knows his stuff.  Why would anyone want life insurance on someone else without their knowledge anyways?  That sound fishy and all good insurance agents find out all the facts of what is going on.

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