
If i want to buy a new cell phone but i allready have one, can i transfer plans onto the new phone? ?

by  |  earlier

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prices? besides the phone of course.




  1. Well if you signed a 2 year contract you would have to pay a ton for a new phone if it hasn't been 2 years... but if it has then you can get good phones for cheaper... and you can transfer your plan to whatever phone you get

  2. You should be able to keep your same service plan and simply switch phones, the only exception to this would be if it is an extremely old plan.

    AT&T has three classes of plans. "Old blue (when they were first AT&T) "orange" (when they switched to Cingular) and "New blue" The new AT&T... okay, it sounds confusing, but there are reasons for this, and it is mostly that the technology changed, so in getting a new phone, the plan you currently have won't be able to be provisioned.  Orange is still compatible, with the plans offered today, old blue is not.

    Let's put it this way... if you have had your phone for less than 5 years, you should be able to keep your current plan...

    If you are one of the few who happen to be carrying around a piece of history, lol then there is a chance you will need to change. In most cases though, the new plans are better than the old ones anyway with the exception of calling to Canada which used to be included and now is considered international long distance.

    If your plan is with someone other than AT&T, this information should still be pretty accurate.

    Did I help you or confuse you?

  3. You can usually add a phone to your current plan. Check out this site. They have great deals on phones and plans for all carriers. Good luck!

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