
If i want to convert to being a vegetarian, are there any tips for maintaining a balanced diet w/o flesh?

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any websites with tips or your own discoveries will help!

also, what about eggs?? whats the deal with those things..




  1. You can eat eggs when you're a vegetarian

    An egg is unharvested so therefore it could never be a chick. Chickens lay eggs periodically, so it's gonna lay eggs all the time! But because the chicken hasn't mated with a rooster, the egg is NOT  a baby chicken! So you're not killing anything!

    I'm a vegetarian of 4 years :)

    If you want to become a vegetarian i really reccomend seeing a nuitritionist to get REAL advice of maintaining a balanced diet. Cuting out meat from your diet will leave you lacking in many different nutrients that your body needs, but can be supplemented with the right vegetables, soy beans etc...

    The internet isn't the most reliable of sources for dietary information.

    I have a wonderfull diet plan made out, I could email to you. My Email is on my page  :)

  2. get veg cookbooks at your library for ideas

  3. Check out 'The Hallelujah Diet' and 'The China Study'

  4. I got this from a vegetarian society website, short and sweet guide:

    and this

    Great you are converting to a vegetarian : )

  5. Here are some web sites with some great vegan/vegetarian food. -chocolate and chai flavors are good -they have chocolate! -vegan ice cream and yogurt - vegan ice cream  -has good almond milk

    Here are some good recipes:

    Stir fry- You need cut up tofu, soy sauce, olive oil, steamed veggies, and cooked rice

    Get a frying pan and coat it with olive oil. The put the tofu in the pan and brown each side of it. Next, add the veggies. Add a little soy sauce and put in the rice. Mix everything up and then let it sit on the stove, occasionally stirring it to make sure it doesn't burn. After about a minute and a half of that put it in a bowl and enjoy!

    Hummus- chick peas, lemon juice, paprika, cumin, black pepper, and any other spices/seasonings you like

    Puree the chick peas. Then add a little lemon juice, paprika, pepper, and other spices. Then stir. Serve with a pita, with cucumbers, or on a veggie wrap.

    Favorite Classic Pancakes

    1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour

    1 Tbsp. sugar

    2 Tbsp. baking powder

    1/8 tsp. salt

    1 cup soy milk

    2 Tbsp. vegetable oil

    Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Mix in the soy milk and oil, and with a fork or wire whisk, combine just until the batter is smooth.

    Pour cup batter onto a hot, oiled griddle. When bubbles form in the center of the pancake, flip. Cook for another 2 minutes. Remove from pan and keep warm while you make remaining pancakes. Serve warm with maple syrup or fruit syrup.

    Here are some snack and dinner suggestions:


    Celery with peanut butter

    Apples with peanut butter

    Pita with hummus


    Amy's Apple Toaster Pops

    All natural popsicles

    Natural Valley bars

    Clif Bar

    Fruit Leather

    Silk Chocolate Soy Milk

    Naked Juice

    Apple chips


    Tofu Stir Fry

    Amy's Pizzas

    Amy's entrees

    Sandwiches made with Yves meatless deli slices

    Tofu Scramble


    Natural Oven's bagels

    Dr. McDougall's Soups and Noodle Soups

    Soy Cheese Quesedillas

    Veggie Wraps

    Lentils with Wild Rice and Veggies

    Whole foods is a great store for vegetarians/vegans, so I recommend grocery shopping there. You also can get a lot of the things I listed above there.

  6. First off let me say congrats! I am going on two years and couldn't be happier! You need to make sure you are taking vitamins. You can buy the cheap ones price doesn't matter. You'll need a B complex, calcium with magnessium, vitamin D, and a multivitamin.

    B 6 and B12 are the most important for vegitarians.

    Also make sure you get enough protien. This can come from soy (where I get most of mine), rice etc. Do some research visit the Peta website for good recipies. They also have a free starter kit. Eggs are technicaly NOT vegitarian. If you eat eggs you are a Ovo-vegitarian. Nothing wrong with that! Haha. Make sure you are really comitted to this before you do it. If you don't work on it and really try to watch what you eat you might not get all the nutriants you need. Most grocery stores have boca burgers, chickenless patties, chickenless nuggets, corndogs extra in their frozen section. Also make sure you check all the ingridients of things as sometimes animal products sneak in.

    Good luck!

  7. Eggs are vegetarian, but they are not vegan.

    Hens are still often kept in horrible conditions for them, so if you want to eat eggs, it's generally best to buy from a local farm where you can see how they live.

    Cage Free only means that the hens are uncaged.  There may be 1000 in a 20x20 shed, but they do not have cages.  

    As far as a balanced diet, simply eat a variety of foods.  Most vegetarians do not run around pairing proteins or counting out iron mgs. may help you.  Just search the net for some vegetarian groups.

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