
If i want to give money away from my business how can i get it back at the end of the year on taxes?

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If i want to give money away from my business how can i get it back at the end of the year on taxes?




  1. You don't get it back.  At most you get a portion of it back equal to your tax bracket %, and that's only if you give it to a 501(c)3 registered charity.  Then, for example, if you are in a 15% bracket and donate $1000, you'll pay $150 less tax, the other $850 comes out of your pocket.

  2. You can't!  It is a common misconception that giving money to some causes results in a like value refund.  While it may reduce your liability it is almost never dollar for dollar.

  3. It would be treated as an itemized deduction if you itemize and nothing if you didn't.

  4. You had better hire a good accountant and a tax attorney.  If you have been operating a business very long without an accountant than you better hurry and hire a good one for it sound like you need help.....

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