
If i want to quick claim deed my home due to tax reasons, who should I contact? A title company or real estate

by Guest66824  |  earlier

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either a real estate attorney...Typically, what is the quickest method to quick deed your home?




  1. Even if you turn your house over to someone else, you are still liable for the taxes as it was in your name.

    See your lawyer for the quick claim.

  2. Just go to your tax collectors office (sometimes named Comptrollers Office), fill out a Quit Claim Deed form and record it along with the filing fees. Doesnt take long depending on where you live. Where I live it only takes 1 day for it to be recorded and posted.

  3. It's called a quit claim.  You're doing this for tax reasons?  Who are you planning to quit claim it TO?

    An attorney would be able to prepare a quit claim.

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