
If i want to say the title of a poem in my paper, do i unerline it, quote it or what?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It is underlined.  Quotation marks are just what they imply- a direct quote.

  2. Write the title in quotes, first letter of the first word should be in capitals

  3. It depends on how long the poem is.  A poem which runs no more than a few pages uses quotation marks: e.g., "The Raven" or "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."  However, epic length poems are italicized (or underlined if you don't have the capability to italicize): _The Odyssey_ or _The Song of Hiawatha_.

  4. I would type it in bold and underline it.

  5. No, no. Poems should be in quotation marks when written or when typed unless when you type you wanna italicize it. Hope this helps!!!!!


  6. Highlight in italics. Underline if its handwritten.

  7. Poems and song titles are quoted.

    Books are underlined.

    So quote it.

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