
If i wanted a few prawns how much can i get and can i add any fishes to the tank?

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I have a small 5 gallon tank and I'm interested in getting a couple of many can i get and can i get a few fish...if i can, can u tell me what fish can i get?




  1. Are you talking salt water or fresh water?

    For salt no you cannot have any fish with your shrimp and you can only house 2-3 depending on type.  

    Fresh water shrimp can be housed with whitecloud or fathead minnows in this small tank.

    I would not advise housing a betta in this tank with shrimp.  It really is a small tank

  2. i wouldn't advise it as most fish foods contain shrimp and prawn, so they will eventually eat the prawns/shrimps. Just get the fish instead they will be much more colourful and fun too watch.

  3. 5 gallons is small in tank standards. you can set up a shrimp tank just fine, just be aware that many fish view shrimp as food.

    shrimp are highly sensitive to water quality issues and must have a matured tank and do best in planted tanks, they will not tolerate newly set up tanks or survive a cycle.

    amano shrimps are a larger peaceful shrimp, my adults are around 1.5" excluding antennae, they are very effective algae eaters and I have successfully kept them with a peaceful betta, with any betta however you would need to watch for the fish nipping at their antennae.

    a 5 gallon itself is only really suitable for fish such as bettas, it's too small a volume for most other fish.

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