
If i wanted to live in a small town what kind of carrear could i have? not farming.?

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I live in a big city. ive been to the samll town, in fact spent my summers in one. i was just wondering, like what kind of carrear could i have? not farming, my family does not have land.

like were do you live? im 13....





  1. start a general store or work in one that is already there. videos stores are good in the country. basically working in a shop!!

  2. Maybe you've already decided that you want to be a doctor or a firefighter or an astronaut. Or maybe you want some kind of job that hasn't even been thought of yet.

    Scientists have especially interesting jobs because sometimes what they invent is...more jobs for other people! A scientist might discover a totally new way to do something, and that discovery can be turned into a whole new business where lots of people work. That's what happened in Groveland, a little town in Florida.

    Here's the story: First, scientists with the Agricultural Research Service figured out a way to peel an orange without using their hands! An orange peel sticks to the fruit because it's "glued on" by white fluffy stuff called albedo. When you've peeled an orange, you've probably noticed how hard it is to get every little bit of this white albedo off the outside of the orange slices.

    If the albedo weren't there, the peel would just fall off the orange. So the ARS scientists figured that if you could find a way to melt the albedo, getting the peel off would be easy.

    The scientists discovered that you can use a natural substance called an enzyme to dissolve the albedo. (Enzymes are in lots of things already--including your body!) Then a company in Groveland built a whole new business using enzymes to peel oranges. So, thanks to the scientists who figured out how to dissolve albedo, lots of people in Groveland got a brand-new kind of job in their town--and one of these days you might get an orange for lunch that's already peeled!

    Maybe you'd rather have a job right in your own backyard. ARS scientists have figured out some ways you could do that. For example, if you have pine trees around your house, you might collect and sell the "pine straw," the little needles that fall off the pine trees. Landscapers--people who decorate yards with flowers, bushes and trees--like to spread pine straw around the bottom of plants. The pine straw helps hold water in the soil so the plants can use it. don't always have to go to a big city to get a good job. Thanks to discoveries from ARS scientists, you might wind up with an amazing kind of job like you've never seen before, right in your own town. In fact, you might even be a scientist--because lots of ARS scientists live in small towns, too!

  3. Basketball family?  Yes, you can do that here just like Artis Gilmore.

    How about pro football?  Yes, you can do that here. Just ask Amp Lee.

    We also have doctors, lawyers, engineers, biologists, teachers, geologists, careers in sales, manufacturing, computer specialists, and many other careers.  All of these careers can be found in a town with a population of around 3,600.  Chipley, FL is not unique in having a wide field careers available.  Many small towns offer a similar variety of career opportunities and many people prefer the lifestyles that small towns provide.

    By the way, the nearest city with a population of 400,000 to 500,000 is wwell over 200 miles away!  Good luck!

  4. Are you talking about like a town with 20, 30, 40, or 50thousand? Or less than 20k? You can get pretty decent paying non-farming jobs in 30 thousand+ towns. Of course it would all depend on what your parents do. You could live in a small suburb or your city? Or are you wanting to be really really isolated from a big city?

  5. um... what do u consider a small town? i live in a town less than 500 with the subberbs... lol so..... well anyways a small town don't mean farming it just means less traffic and less everything.... lol well i love my small town i worked at a vet cleaning stalls and stuff like that and i roof some...(more handing the shingles to ppl when needed and tear off) just little jobs around town... what ever is open... but a famous basket ball family idk... my family is lower class just getting by with what we have but we are happy and im 14 so never give up

  6. The first question is what are you interested in?  Once you define your interests, then you need to figure out if it is a job that could be found in a smaller place.  For example, if you want to be an astronaut, you are not going to find that in a small town.  But, if you want to be a vet or a teacher or a small business owner, then there are many opportunities like that in smaller places.  

    No matter what career you chose, chose something that you will love and always be excited about.  There is nothing worse about going to work at a job that you don't like!

  7. We live in a VERY small town... in fact, our entire county only has about 30,000 people.  I think our town was at last count about 3,500.  The greatest part of our population lives in rural areas, outside the 8 incorporated towns of our county.  We live a bit more than 50 miles from two major cities, but both can be reached in about an hour and a half.  Several larger towns (60,000+) are within about 50 miles or so.

    We do have several farmers, but they are not the major employers.  Of course we have factories, making anything from clothing to farm equipment and supplies to aluminum.  We also have a great but small hospital, lots of doctors' offices, the county government offices, and some of the state's offices are located in our town.  We have a wonderful upper-scale retirement center, a rehabilitation center, a nursing home.  Lawyers, florists, library, insurance companies.  We even have a nationally recognized theater that offers musicals, off-broadway shows, classic films, readings, and local dance/ballet/theater.  We have veterinarians, dog groomers, dog trainers, horse trainers, horse shows.

    Our town is "big" on football, basketball and baseball.  Several of our high school graduates have gone pro.  Many more attend SEC colleges to play basketball, or go on to play college football.  

    I think you can pretty much find anything or anyone here, but because the town is smaller, you do see much more pasture, many more trees, people walking around town rather than driving, and you'll notice that "everyone knows everyone."  Our parks are great, we have biking and walking trails, as well as public swimming pool, tennis courts, and ball fields of all kinds.  The cost of living here is very low, so you will hear that the average income is about $40K.... but that $40K goes a LONG way in our area.

    Don't think that you have to be in a large town to earn a good living.  It all has to be put into perspective.  You may not be ready for it yet, but a good book to keep in mind is Dan Miller's "48 Days to the Work You Love."  He says you should first find out what you enjoy doing, THEN figure out how to make money at it.  And you can make money just about anywhere!

    Good luck to you.

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