
If i was PFC in the army and i wanted to attach an m203 to my m4, how do i go about doin that?

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If i was PFC in the army and i wanted to attach an m203 to my m4, how do i go about doin that?





  2. Open the breach, insert round, close breach, look down barrel and pull trigger. When it's time for you to have a 203 then you'll know

  3. You keep asking all these questions about the m203 and the m4, I don't think you have one, and I don't think you are military either.  If you don't know something that you are supposed to know you talk to your squad leader, and find out, not look it up on the internet.

  4. well usually you dont get a 203 attached to your m4 until you are a spc or above

  5. IF you were in the Army and had a rifle that could receive a 203 attachment I would hope you would know how to do this..

    How about you ask someone who looks like they have been around for longer then you have..

  6. Join the Army and find out.  

  7. If you weren't issued the 203 and told to attach it - you would be a PV2 the next day.

  8. I gota go with everyone else on this one " LOOK TO YOUR RIGHT"  you should find a squad leader there

  9. Contact your unit armorer.

  10. I agree with ghost....You arent certified to do anything but fire and clean that weapon.  You dont choose which weapon or addition you want.  Get a clue, clown.

  11. Ask your Squad Leader.  Read the Manual that you should get with your weapons system.  Your definatly not in the Marine Corps asking such a question.

  12. Take it to the armory!


  13. you wouldn't.  PFC's do not know how.  Point made!

  14. You can't. Your squad leader and/or platoon sgt assigns your weapon and any maintenance beyond cleaning is Armorer level or above. You're not even authorized to cut the security wire or tighten the tube rail, much less install one.  

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