
If i was a citizen on patrol and i found someone doin drugs could i confenscate them.?

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If i was a citizen on patrol and i found someone doin drugs could i confenscate them.?




  1. Legally, NO

    It would be quite possible the cop you turn em in to will arrest you for possession.

  2. why in the h**l would you want to risk your life

    attempting to confiscate my peyote buttons?

    Are these peyote buttons messing with your

    sobriety?  Don't hurt yourself,find a good book and stay off the streets!

  3. That is called a drug theft

    Gang members  confiscate drugs from their rivals all the time

    Just doing my duty as a citizen!

  4. Yes, you certainly could take them. If you make it out alive be sure to let us all know.

  5. citizen on patrol may be illegal, specially if you are trained by a militia organization. Citizen on patrol may have bias or profile minority groups, specially is this individuals have racist ideas.

  6. Oh man

    Don't do that


  7. No. You would be carrying out an act under illegal color of office. In Nevada that is a felony.

  8. A citizen on patrol can only report what they see and hear.  They can not make arrests on confiscate anything.  If you see something happening, call the police.

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