
If i was going 65 mph an my destination was 20 miles away how long woultd it me to get there? Show your math ?

by Guest44856  |  earlier

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If I was going 65 miles mph an my destination was 20 miles away how long would it take me to get there? Please show your math or calculations.




  1. Another way to figure it:

    60 mph speed is equivalent 1 mile per minute.

    60 mph\ 65 mph (your speed)= .92 minutes per mile.

    .92x60 seconds =55.2 seconds per mile traveled.

    20 miles X 55.2 seconds =1104 seconds

    1104 seconds/60 seconds per minute= 18.4 minutes

    18.4 minutes = 18 minutes, 24 seconds

    Next time, do your own math!!:)

    P.S...I hope the "thumbs down" didn't come from you Cat, 'cuz you're wrong:)  Let me rephrase, you're not wrong, yours is a "shorthand" formula; while although correct in a mathematical sense, is less acurate.

    Consider going 60 mph..that's 60 miles in an hour, that's 1 mile per minute correct?

    According to your calculation of D=RT

    20 miles (distance)=60T


    .33 hours=.33X 60 minutes=19.8 minutes

    How can the answer be 19.8 minutes when we have already established a speed of 60 mph is equal to 1 mile per minute?

    If I'm missing something, please explain...?

  2. divide 20 by 65

  3. 1 ------ 65

    x  ----  20

    To solve  you multiply 20 by one and divide between 65

    then ...   0.3 hours  ...

    if you want minutes multiply by 60 ... then   will be 18.45 minutes.

  4. I would say that the time taken depends on the traffic as well as your speed. The average speed for commuting between two places where there is in-town traffic can be very low, but for an average 20 mile run in moderate traffic it might delay you by up to 100% (only!) and double the journey time. Junctions and traffic-lights are the work of the devil (or of the bountiful municipality, if you happen to need to change direction)!

  5. Use the formula D=rt




    .31hours=18.6minutes               (.31*60)

  6. Do your own homework.

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