
If i was hit in a car by an uninsured, unlicesed driver because a car ran a red light & left, who is at fault?

by  |  earlier

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the car that hit me swirved into because a car ran a red light, the person that hit me doesnt have a license or insurance, and we did not get the license plate number of the car that ran a red.




  1. If the person who hit you wasn't the owner of the car he/she was driving then the owner may have insurance which would pay for the damages.  Liability in your case would fall to the illegal (no license, no insurance) driver who hit you.  Since you can't identify the other driver that won't factor into this incident.  Eventually your insurance may have to pay and seek damages from the person who hit you assuming you have full coverage insurance.

  2. If the person who hit you DIDN'T STOP how do you know he didn't have valid insurance or unlicensed?

    It doesn't matter because that person hit and ran.  Now your car insurance will have to cover you.

    Good Luck.

    P.S.  The other driver ran a light so he would be at fault.  But it doesn't matter because he hit and ran.

  3. If that other car wasn't involved and you didn't get a plate number the driver that actually hit you is at fault; this is where gap insurance comes in handy too.

  4. Fault doesn't matter.  I hope you have insurance because you will have to use it to have your car fixed.  I hope you made a police report and have notified your insurance company

  5. how do you know ?

    it sounds to me as you are trying to convince your self

    i think your guilty mate sorry,   fishy goings on !

  6. There are a few things to consider.

    First off, all drivers should check the intersection before proceeding through to make sure it is clear.

    The other car is hearsay. No one has a plate for it, and there is no real proof that there was a car that drove through the red light. They cannot be charged, and the insurance and police will only look at facts.

    The fact is a car swerved and hit you. They are at fault and are responsible for the accident, the damage to your car, as well as the bill for your car to be repaired.

  7. First of all the person who hit you had no biz driving without a license. Apart from that, he is at fault for hitting you and is really unlucky for the person because you didnt get the runaway's  no. plate. so unless you feel sorry for hi/her and let him/her go, he shud pay you.

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