
If i was homeless.....?

by Guest61779  |  earlier

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and i had a im hungry sign would u stop and give me money or just drive by and pretend im not there. Or have u done that before... i know plenty who just drive by, what about u?

Honesty now...:)




  1. Depending on the day...

    Depending on whats going on with me, at the time...  Depending on the amount of change in my ash tray,  my pockets or my purse, I may give or not give....

    Two summers seemed that at ever stop light or HWY exit i came to there was someone there with their hand out...  I was hungry myself that day....and in a 15 minute drive from the county to the city, I gave out over ten dollars, in change....

    by the time I pulled up to McDONALD's, there was another soul....begging just before the ordering board....I gave him three dollars... After ordering and rounding the building to the cashier window, there stood another torn and homeless soul..

    "May I get a dollar, to get a meal to eat" she said so pitifully....I look directly in her face and said....Ask the man around the corner, I'm broke, I need you to pay for my meal...

    Was I right or was I wrong, I don't know.

    thumbs up

    Sista Sista Sister

  2. What I have done in the past is gotten some nice hot food and given to them or taken them to a place and bought their food or delivered food to them from our food bank.

  3. i wouldn't give you money. i'd give you a cheeseburger though!

  4. Yea, I doubt Id give you money but if I had food Id give it to you.  Theres this older man who sits at the bottom of the exit ramp I take home.  Hes only there once or twice a week and I never know when.  So I try to keep canned things like beanie weanies and applesauce with me for him.  I also gave him a bunch of travel things I had.  Like the little soaps, shampoos and deodorants and stuff Ill never use.

  5. I wouldn't give you money, but I would give you a bag full of groceries. And I would also take you to a thrift store to pick out clothing and then we would get applications at restaurants and stores. I would give you enough change to call your family and ask for help.

  6. I would never give someone money. 99% of the time they want it for drugs & booze. I might offer to buy you a meal at BK.

  7. I'd give you directions to the nearest dumpster.

  8. I would never give you money.....I would take you to get something to eat, which I have done

  9. I dont ever give money to homeless people on the streets.  If you give money they may be using it towards drink or drugs that could harm them, or there may be someone else sending them out to get money! Theres no way I can know that person's situation or if they are genuinly homeless just by looking at them.

    Yes, some people dont like shelters/hostels because they cant drink but also lots of homeless people have mental health problems and they may be fearful of authority, and hostels can be scarey places to be due to people who use the service!

    There are other ways of helping homeless people than giving money-the giving food option but also donating to a homelessness charity or volunteering with them. Be nice if more people did it :)

  10. No money, because I don't know if the person is actually homeless.  They could be/or not.  However, I wouldn't give you food either, because from I've seen lately, the homeless aren't even grateful for those kinds of handouts!!!  I live in Los Angeles, where there' s a high concentration of the homeless population and I see that scene everyday, during my outings in public.  I don't know that individual's situation and I don't want to find out either.  I have my own issues to deal with.  I was homeless before with my children, living in a welfare hotel on skid row, where the environment is quite different than what I'm used to.

    The only thing I can tell you is that, I did my best to keep my family intact, but you'd be surprised by what you see.  I mean I don't know how to explain it, except it was horrible.  The other kids didn't do what they was supposed to do-not in school, gangbanging, teen pregnancies, kids running the show and disciplining the parents, constant harrassment.  The authorities aren't of any help either, except they themselves wanted the hotel to be closed down, due to all of the negative environment it was providing.  Constant visitors were the police, fire, social workers, coroners, and the building/safety dept., who just kept passing the inspections.

    Not to mention the adults who lived there, those with substance abuse, mental health issues, disabled folks, elderly and kids.  Does not make a good environment.

    Hopefully this answers your question.

  11. I wouldn't give money, but I would give them some food.

    It's too risky to give out money nowadays... sometimes it's risky even to stop and talk... sad world eh? D=

  12. no money, id' direct you to a restaurant where they'd feed you though

  13. first of all i see alot of homeless people with signs like that.

    before i gave like a few bucks but then later i saw the same guy come out of his own townhouse. so then i pretty much stop giving money because many homeless people use the money to buy alcohol ans stuff.

    i feel that they can go to those homeless shelter but they dont want to becuz there are rules that limits them from doing stuff like drinking beer and w/e.

    once i saw someone give a slice of pizza to a homeless guy with a sign of im hungry.

  14. i don't give money to bums but my husband has done it on several occasions. I do not agree with it though. I would give them food but not money.

  15. throw a watermellon at you to see you catch it then fall to the ground

  16. I'd give you food if you said your hungry. not money. I mean i would but who knows what ur gonna spend it on. You might just go out and buy a bunch of pencils....i don't know you that well.

  17. No money. Food yes

  18. The reactions would depend on many things. Where are you standing? are you in an area where others can be hidden to jump out and rob others? Do you appear to be on drugs or drunk? Are you there everyday? while the question seems very simple all these things come into the answer. I have been and lived with the homeless and people need to be aware of the areas that they are in. While there in the 5 months at a shelter there was 16 beatings and 1 killed (for a $1). I would help others  if it looked like I could and it looked safe. But usually I decided to drive by because either someone else helped them first or my family's safety I placed above other matters. That said now I should point out that there is a scripture that says we have entertained Angels unawares...some of those I turned around to help seemed to vanish into thin air; in a rural area always left me to wonder.

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