
If i was on my cycle and feeling nauseaus during the whole time and sick when my cycle was off am i pregnant?

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my fiance told me that he knows when i am pregnant and i was just wondering if i had my cycle, felt nauseated during my cycle and still feel that way is it possible that i am pregnant?




  1. If you had your period, you're not pregnant.

    Edit: Women can't have a period while pregnant. A period would essentially miscarry a baby. Some women have bleeding that they BELIEVE to be a period, but it isn't one. This bleeding is generally different than a regular period

  2. thats not true.. there is alot of women that still have there peroid and they are pregnant. My best friend was pregant and was still having her peroid when she was 6 months pregnant. She didn't even realize she was pregnant until she felt the baby move and it scared her. She went to the doc and they told her she was 5 months pregnant. Her daughter is absolutly beautiful and healthy..

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